First i went to my hockeychildies for watching their game, made some notices and took some pictures, they won with 6-3 or something. then watched another game from my other hockeychildies, this time the boys, and they also won with 4-2 or something. Then i went home and at 15.00 i had to play a game myself at apeldoorn, ares. We won with 4-0 but the field was so slow! and the arbiter was really biased (?). And the team we had to play against was so funny! they were all like yelling and calling names haha. and we had 2 girls from c1 because we only had 10 players and the other teams didn't had time because of their own game. But the other team were like oo they have girls from c1! they are so small and stuff. And now i found one at hyves and there was a krabbel (a message):
hahahaha ja echt van die vervelende kindjes man, ze rende wel heel snel.
kut smurfjes
hahahaha yes really annoying little kids, they where fast though.
kut smurfjes -smurf: a little blue cartoon, -kut something like fack idontknow.
and then loes (c1 girl) krabbeled:
ik ben trots op mijn bijnaam snelle kutsmurf! dankje!
i'm proud of my nickname fast kutsmurf! thanks
and then today another girl krabbeled me:
how do you know freek?
i: from evelien why?
she: o he's on your profile image, so i thought how does she know him?
i: haha ok how do you know him then?
she: from hyves, i might love him
and HAHAHA evelien and freek are messing on her or how do you say...
because evelien and freek are girlfriend boyfriend but they're saying they're just bff's to her
and that is so funny now she is loving him HAHA
that where my 2 days
wow how long can the story be
mathilde iduna roos- arnhem
roos -faraway rosemieke- mathilde anouk
i love this picture really!!
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